我特别喜欢第七集从Otis妈妈“Mystery of love”开始到Eric妈妈说“He doesn't make you sparkle”再到女孩儿们在黑夜里砸车敲碎一切世俗观念三个转镜都特别特别棒这部剧太温暖被时间遗忘的土地每个人青春期都应该经历这场Sex Education被时间遗忘的土地每个人
Epitaph:Died tragically rescuing his family from wreckage of a destroyedsinking battleship.~ & Good musics!
1.5 Sweet Mary Jesus, GUY RITCHIE even directed this piece of shit?! and fucking MADONNA was in it? ain't the world weird...When these two lovebirds were up on that fucking island, cheesy submissive PTSD love story, for once I thought Amber was gonna learn from peppe, and then ditch him out, but, no, this cold drug-dealer bitch completely lost it…