阴谋 爱 沉闷忧郁 not as crime or detective movie 叙事略显失衡 从poe恋爱之后 双线交互就很生硬 难免让最后对峙的戏份打折扣 poe应该作为重点 after all this is a movie about him
完全膜拜太牛了瞅瞅人家这节奏看看人家的镜头转换再听听人家的配乐star524中文在线播放还能说啥眼睛耳朵根本不舍得离开一秒钟最重要的是这东西有现实意义啊开放式婚姻、三人行、家庭主妇的危机、原配和小三天哪这简直就是对未来婚姻的预言片名叫“why women kill”看完第一集还没有杀人的苗头但光黑色幽默就让你合不拢嘴五星推荐
When the horizon's at the bottom, it's interesting. When the horizon's at the top, it's interesting. When the horizon's in the middle, it's boring as shit. Now, good luck to you. And get the fuck out of my office!